The Casino Advantage or Why You Can't Really Win at Roulette


The Casino Advantage or Why You Can't Really Win at Roulette
You've probably read the websites that contain guaranteed, super, secret systems that will ensure you win at roulette. Hopefully you haven't believed them but some of them are terribly persuasive so it's best to be armed with the real facts.
There is one ultimately very simple reason that you can never guarantee to win at something like roulette and that is down to the house edge. Every game has one and it refers to the built-in advantage the casino has over us players. Whilst this advantage exists then no amount of special betting systems will be able to alter the underlying disadvantage of the player.
The easiest illustration of the house edge is in fact the zero that you'll find on nearly every roulette wheel. If you bet on red at evens money, then the house wins if the ball lands on black or zero. The American wheels are even worse as they have two zeros and therefore double the advantage.
The advantage of the house edge really is demonstrated not when you lose but when you win, or should I say the amount of your winnings. For instance if you bet a dollar on every single number on a roulette wheel it would cost you $38, that's 37 numbers plus one zero. However the odds you receive are 35-1, so whichever number comes up you'd receive 36 dollars back - $35 winnings plus your $1 stake back. The odds given to the player are not the same as the real odds on the table - the house is in effect guaranteed to win.
This is what always comes back to get the player and the longer you play the more the casino is likely to win. That is why they give you free drinks, or little pens and paper to try and analyse the wheels. They know that the longer you play the more of an advantage they'll have. In fact a casinos worst player is the one who walks in and places a single large bet on an even money wager and then walks away if he wins. But then again that's not terribly fun for either of them!


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.